BehindTheMomJeans follows the journey of a new mom navigating her way through motherhood, marriage and newly found suburban life. Real stories and experiences that everyday moms can relate to, and will hopefully find some comfort in the fact that they are not alone.
In April 2017, I peed on a stick and it changed my life in the best way possible; 9 months later I became a mom. Along the way I’ve read interesting articles, have had wild conversations with other mothers and those people who love to say, “Well I know someone who…” I’ve come across gorgeous mommy bloggers, and Instagram accounts that make motherhood look beautiful, and it is, but majority of the content was simply not relatable. In the Fall of 2018, I launched Behind The Mom Jean’s. I am by no means the perfect mom or expert in some way, but my experiences are real and raw. If at the end of the day I can make one mom stop crying for just a minute to laugh, or to make her feel better in some small way…
well then I’ve done my part.
Kimberly & Madison, December 2017