What 2019 Taught Me
Cheers to a happy and positive 2020!
Every new year brings an end to the last. The lessons we’ve learned resurface for reflection and we promise to move towards being a better and best version of ourselves.
I lost myself in a whirlwind year trying to be a version of myself I thought I needed to be. I thought I need to be in an environment that could only be described as toxic to achieve success. At the end of the day I am only certain about one thing. I’m a mother and refuse to be anything less than kind, happy and a role model for my daughter.
There were days this year where I questioned a lot of things. My ability to be a mother, if I deserved to be alive, and what in the actual world was I doing with myself. Throughout these wild thoughts, I found answers to things I didn’t even process until now.
2019 taught me several things, but nothing more valuable than these things that I want to share with you now.
Know yourself worth: You have value. If it's a certain skill set or being an amazing spouse and parent. Never let anyone undermine the value you bring to the table. If you ever question yourself in any circumstances, something needs to change.
Prioritize yourself: You matter! Work is work and it does not define the person you are. Your physical and mentally health should always take priority. Especially if it’s going to affect the relationships you have with the most important people in your life. The person who sleeps in your bed and cares for your children is the person that matters at the end of the day. Make that person the priority ALWAYS.
Be a good person: I feel like this one is self explanatory and sounds simple, but it can be very easy to muddy those waters. It’s like when people say “make the healthier choice” when it comes to food. “Get the whole wheat wrap” as opposed to the days worth of carbs and calories packed into that huge loaf of Italian bread. People are different. We are not all going to think the same way, say the same things or react to things the same. We need to respect one another and be the example of kindness that we want people to show towards our children.
Surround yourself with good people: Sometimes being a good person just isn’t enough. When you’re surrounded by shitty people, it’s the weight of a million pounds on your shoulder and can affect you without you even realizing it. Remove yourself from those situations and be done with the negativity coming into your life from all ends.
Wishing everyone a wonderful, happy and healthy new year!
Cheers! xx