Time to Take Action: Postpartum Depression

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I know I’ve spoken a little bit about my postpartum depression, but not much about how I got here.

When I was younger I dealt with clinical depression. It was something I sporadically dealt with in high school, again my freshman year in college and resurfaced in my early 20’s. I’ve been on anti-depressants, I’ve seen therapists, phycologists, you name it. I’ve tried drowning myself in working out, and anything to take my mind away from the fact that I was emotionally broken. My depression was something I never dealt with the right way; so, it was no surprise that after I had my daughter, depression would walk right back into my line of sight. 

After months of thinking that I could handle this on my own, my anxiety seems to have got the best of me, and I decided to start looking for help. After some research I was referred to a local doctor, Dr. Michael Barmak.

I’ve had one phone and one in-person session, and already started to feel a sense of relief come over me. Yes, it’s very early, but there is something to be said about knowing what I’m feeling is valid and no I’m not “overreacting” or “being too sensitive”; these things are not uncommon, and normal for what I have been through.

There are many things I hope to address through this journey, and plan to share some of them, but so far, my one take away is that the only person who is going to help me? Is myself.

Having someone to talk to is great but having someone talk back isn’t enough. But it will give me the tools I need to positively move forward, on my own, from my postpartum depression. #StayTuned